After completing my masters I started my PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology working with Professor Kira Delmore’s at Texas A&M University. Here I am focusing on the genetic basis of behavioral traits and these traits facilitate speciation.


I earned my Masters degree in Molecular Biology and Evolution at the Christian-Albrechts University in Kiel, Germany and completed a thesis studying the genetic basis of migratory timing in the songbird complex of the stonechats (see past projects).

I worked in the Liedvogel lab at the Max-Planck-Institute of Evolutionary Biology in Plön, Germany during that time. As part of the research group Behavioural Genomics I got exposed to various aspects of migration in birds and I was keen on studying migration in the context of speciation.


I earned my Bachelors degree in Ecological Impact Assessment at University Koblenz-Landau, Germany and completed a thesis studying the population size in natterjack toads (see past projects).

I worked in conservation for while at the Waterbird Reserve Wallnau, Germany and got interested in focusing my studies more on the molecular basis of traits as well as studying the development of the species diversity I studied before. That is when I decided to enroll in the international master curriculum of Molecular Biology and Evolution at Christian-Albrechts University Kiel, Germany.